Friday, June 13, 2008

The Power of an Apron

It seems like such a silly thing, that a few pieces of pretty cloth, sewn together with some polka-dot ribbon, can change your perspective and give you more energy then a cup of my DH's coffee. But my apron has done just that. After reading how other stay-at-home moms, or housewife's, or domestic engineers (call yourself what you like, our Mission is the same) gained strength from their aprons, I bought one. Its feminine, with a few frills along the top and the bottom, and like I mentioned polka-dot ribbon. While I am putting it on, I recite my Apron Prayer. It goes something like this. Lord please send me the strength and the grace that I so desperately need, and help me bless my home, my family and myself in these next few hours. Amen. It might seem silly, it might seem pointless, it might seem old fashioned, but an apron has power. Would a priest be the same in your eyes if he celebrated mass in a Hawaiian shirt, flip-flops and ragged khaki shorts? No. It just isn't the same. This is how I see my apron, as the clothing required for my vocation. Now I'm dressed for my Mission.

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