I have many knitted UFOs (unfinished objects) that need work. There is the back bedroom disaster and Mt. Washmore, not to mention the garage. They all need work. But right now I am trying to focus on my Home Management Notebook for 2012. My current printer isn't up to the task of printing the needed pages, so I'm doing research. I'm thinking of getting a 3 in 1 wireless printer. We shall see. As with all purchases, the budget must be consulted.
For the Notebook, I am going to go with a different idea for 2012. I found a blog (and since lost it) that showed a very well thought out Notebook that had laminated pages and a spiral binding. I am going to steal this idea and try to make it my own. The laminated pages should help cut down on printer wear and tear, which considering the number of coloring pages I print is a very good thing. It will also be less bulky then the 3 ring binder I now use, which will help with portability and accessibility. I have a huge recipe section now, which I think I will just leave in the binder.
I have yearly, monthly, weekly and daily schedules/lists that will all be pre-printed with the weekly and daily pages laminated so I can reuse them. I also have a basic daily schedule posted in the kitchen to help me get back on track when I lose focus. A lot of planning and effort go into a good Home Management Notebook, but it is all worth it! My house is definitely cleaner and more organized when I stick to my schedules, not to mention happier children and healthier dinners!
It may all seem like a bit much, but its not. Have you ever seen an Outlook schedule for a busy office professional? Not much different.
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